In the suburbs of Sacramento, the unmistakable sound of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’ and ‘The Entertainer’ filters through the air, as three little girls excitedly clamor out of their white Spanish style house in much anticipation of seeing the music truck pass by.  They sing, dance and wave to the driver.  Only when the music is no longer audible do they file back into the house and continue playing. 

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 Just a week or two later, the music truck’s unmistakable sound is heard again.  This time something different happens.  As they sing and dance, the truck driver slows to a stop at the curb and wittily hands the three little girls an ice cream cone.  The truck driver had grown tired of seeing these children only watch him pass by without enjoying the treats he had to offer.  This one time, he freely gives them what he was really all about – ice cream!!

Needless to say, my mother, the inventor of the music truck, knew her run of renaming the ice cream truck had now come to an abrupt end.  Never again, would my sisters and I think song and dance when we heard the sound, instead we would expect sweets and treats!  The truth is if I never knew, I could never fully enjoy.  In the same way, if we only know God in one way, without pursing greater depths of understanding of who He is, we may never experience all the good things He has for us.

 We are to never lose our hunger for revelation knowledge and understanding.  This knowledge is more than information - it’s personal, experiential, and intimate.

God tells his people in Jeremiah 29:13 that if they would whole-heartedly seek Him they would find Him.  And again in Isaiah 45:19, that He did not speak in obscurity or ask for His people to seek Him in vain.  He is generous in His revelation.  Be encouraged.  Your desire to know God will never exceed his desire for you to know Him. 

In Exodus 34, God answers Moses’ cry to know Him more, to see His glory.  Moses wanted an intimate knowledge of all that God was.  In response, the Lord lavished his goodness on Him and declared His nature and character to Moses.

This being the case, don’t stop short in seeking Him.  There is so much more! As Psalm 34: 8 tells us to not only open our eyes to see, but open our mouths to taste of His goodness.  In doing so, you’ll discover the sweets and treats of who He really is!!

Life LessonsRachel Klinge